Leeds Musical Theatre Choir
Yorkshire's most fun and uplifting 'Community Choir' for Musical Theatre lovers
No experience needed - Everyone welcome - Lifts your mood and great for your mental health
Sign up using the form below for a free taster session to either our Monday or Thursday rehearsals.
The taster sessions are totally free and an opportunity for you to come and see what the choir is all about.
Our rehearsals run from 7.45 - 9.15pm on a Monday, or
7.30 - 9.00pm on a Thursday and everyone is welcome to come and try our fabulous choir!
Our taster sessions are available during the first few weeks of January. If we still have space in the choir we will run a second round of taster sessions in February.
You can sign up to your free taster session NOW!
Please note the choir do not rehearse during Easter, August and Christmas.
Register your interest by completing the form below
18+ ages only
For information on the Choir sessions click here